Research workshop

Corso opzionale Mutuazione Sperimentale Architettura + Lettere
Corsi di Laurea: Architettura 4S quinquennale e Storia dell’arte LM89 – Curriculum Museografia (parziale)
Prof. Arch. Giacomo Pirazzoli
Cultori della Materia: Ferdinando Adorno, Noemi Casula, Eric Medri, Jacopo Sbolci
Allievi tesi CrossingLab: Giada Cerri, Alessio Galasso.
The “Museograpy and Exhibition Design” course is a research workshop based on lectures supplemented by visits and surveys in collaboration with specific museum institutions. The city of Florence, and Tuscany in general, are the best place to host a course like this cause they offer several cases of study. Alongside the Italian students there are the Erasmus ones, and all together, they  promote  interactions and exchange of ideas between art history students (curators) and architecture students.
Teaching method: The course aims to provide a “museological” knowledge, compared to historical and contemporary themes.
Verification: The final project is dedicated to the religious and museum complex of Santa Croce as a unique example of Site Specific Museum. There will be an oral examination, with delivery of elaborates relating to the specific case of study.

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